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V2 Migration

About 1 min

Legacy Mode

You can pass the second argument true to enable legacy mode when calling mdEnhancePlugin, and the plugin will try to run with V1 behavior.

New Features

  • Markdown link check

    The plugin now check your Markdown links and warn you when broken links are detected.

    You can control this behavior with checkLinks option

  • image mark support

    Use #light and #dark suffix to mark images to display them in light mode or dark mode via imgMark option.

  • v-pre support

    The following container support is removed from @vuepress/core, so vPre option is added

    ::: v-pre
    Some {{vue syntax}}.
  • Chart.js support

    Adds chart.jsopen in new window support via chart option

    ::: chart Title
      // chart.js config
    ::: chart Title
    const config = {
      // chart.js config
  • ECharts support

    Adds EChartsopen in new window support via echarts option

    ::: echarts Title
      // chart.js config
    ::: echarts Title
    const option = {
      // chart.js config
  • content include support

    Use <!-- @include: --> to include other file content in Markdown via include options.

    Use <!-- @include: filename --> to include a file.

    To partially import the file, you can specify the range of lines to be included:

    • <!-- @include: filename{start-end} -->
    • <!-- @include: filename{start-} -->
    • <!-- @include: filename{-end} -->

    Also, you can include file region:

    • <!-- @include: filename#region -->
  • tabs support

    Use tabs container to create tabs via tabs option.


  • renamed codegroup to codetabs

  • Now all options are disabled by default

  • Code demo syntax changed


    ::: demo Title
    <!-- demo content -->
    ::: demo [vue] Title
    <!-- demo content -->
    ::: demo [react] Title
    <!-- demo content -->


    ::: normal-demo Title
    <!-- demo content -->
    ::: vue-demo Title
    <!-- demo content -->
    ::: react-demo Title
    <!-- demo content -->
  • Code Group changed to code tab


    :::: code-group
    ::: code-group-item pnpm
    pnpm create vuepress-theme-hope [dir]
    ::: code-group-item npm:active
    npm init vuepress-theme-hope [dir]


    ::: code-tabs
    @tab pnpm
    pnpm create vuepress-theme-hope [dir]
    @tab:active npm
    npm init vuepress-theme-hope [dir]

Removed Options

  • enableAll removed

    There are too many noob users who don't know what they are doing, and they just enable this option without using all the feature provided, yet they complain about load speed.

  • lineNumbers removed

    VuePress 2 supports line number config per code block now.

  • imageFix removed

    Mr.Hope already made a PR to fix broken image links in Markdown, so it's no longer needed