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Custom container

Less than 1 minute

The plugin adds tip, note, info, warning, danger and detail container.


// .vuepress/config.ts
import { mdEnhancePlugin } from "vuepress-plugin-md-enhance";

export default {
  plugins: [
      // Enable container
      container: true,



Container with default title


Information container


Note container


Tip container


Warning container


Dangerous container


Details container

::: info
Information container

::: note
Note container

::: tip
Tip container

::: warning
Warning container

::: danger
Dangerous container

::: details
Details container
Customize container title

Custom Title

A custom information container with code, link.

const a = 1;

Custom Title

A custom note container with code, link.

const a = 1;

Custom Title

A custom tip container with code, link.

const a = 1;

Custom Title

A custom warning container with code, link.

const a = 1;

Custom Title

A custom danger container with code, link.

const a = 1;
Custom Title

A custom details container with code, link.

const a = 1;
::: info Custom Title

A custom information container with `code`, [link](#demo).

const a = 1;


::: note Custom Title

A custom note container with `code`, [link](#demo).

const a = 1;


::: tip Custom Title

A custom tip container with `code`, [link](#demo).

const a = 1;


::: warning Custom Title

A custom warning container with `code`, [link](#demo).

const a = 1;


::: danger Custom Title

A custom danger container with `code`, [link](#demo).

const a = 1;


::: details Custom Title

A custom details container with `code`, [link](#demo).

const a = 1;

Container without body

Custom info

Custom note

Custom tip

Custom warning

Custom danger

::: info Custom info

::: note Custom note

::: tip Custom tip

::: warning Custom warning

::: danger Custom danger