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Plugin Options

You can pass these options to the plugin:


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to support full GFM syntax.


For full GFM syntax, see GFMopen in new window.

We are not 100% supporting it to be honestly, we only supply its syntax including linkify, breaks, footnote, task list, code highlight, image mark, mermaid, mathjax and so on.

Some of the behavior might be different, for example to support Vue syntax, we are not disallowing <script> tags. But in most situation, the behavior should be same.


Whether to enable custom container including

  • info
  • note
  • tip
  • warning
  • danger
  • details


The last 4 items conflict with default theme and will override its style.

  • Type: LinksCheckOptions

    type LinksCheckStatus = "always" | "dev" | "build" | "never";
    interface LinksCheckOptions {
       * Whether check dead links in markdown
       * @default "dev"
      status?: LinksCheckStatus;
       * Dead links to ignore
      ignore?: (string | RegExp)[] | ((link: string, isDev: boolean) => boolean);
  • Default: { status: "dev" }

Whether to enable links check.


Whether to enable v-pre wrapper.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Enabled in GFM: Yes

Whether convert \n in paragraphs into <br>s


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Enabled in GFM: Yes

Whether convert URL-like text into links


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Details:

Whether to enable tabs.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Details:

Whether to enable codetabs.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Details:

Whether to enable custom align.


  • Type: AttrsOptions | boolean

    interface AttrsOptions {
       * left delimiter
       * @default '{'
      left?: string;
       * right delimiter
       * @default '}'
      right?: string;
       * allowed attributes
       * @description An empty list means allowing all attribute
       * @default []
      allowed?: (string | RegExp)[];
  • Default: false

  • Details:

Whether to enable attribute customize support.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable the upper format support.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable the lower corner format support.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Enabled in GFM: Yes

Whether to enable footnote format support.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable mark support.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether enable figure support.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to lazy load every image in page in native way.


  • Type: ImageMarkOptions | boolean
  • Default: false
  • Enabled in GFM: Yes

Whether enable image mark support.

interface ImageMarkOptions {
  /** lightmode only IDs */
  light?: string[];
  /** darkmode only IDs */
  dark?: string[];


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether enable image size support.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether enable obsidian image size support.


  • Type: TaskListOptions | boolean
  • Default: false
  • Enabled in GFM: Yes

Whether to enable tasklist format support. You can pass an object to config task list.

interface TaskListOptions {
   * Whether disable checkbox
   * @default true
  disabled?: boolean;

   * Whether use `<label>` to wrap text
   * @default true
  label?: boolean;


  • Type: KatexOptions & { copy?: boolean; mhchem?: boolean } | boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable TEX syntax support through KaTeX. You can pass an object to config KaTeX.

In particular, you can enable the copy and mhchem extensions with katex.copy: true and katex.mhchem: true.

Please see Katex Docsopen in new window for available options.


  • Type: MathJaxOptions | boolean
  • Default: false
  • Enabled in GFM: Yes

Whether to enable TEX syntax support through Math Jax. You can pass an object to config Math Jax.

Please see source codeopen in new window for available options.


  • Type: IncludeOptions | boolean

    interface IncludeOptions {
       * handle include filePath
       * @default (path) => path
      resolvePath?: (path: string, cwd: string) => string;
       * Whether deep include files in included Markdown files
       * @default false
      deep?: boolean;
  • Default: false

Whether to enable Markdown import support. You can pass in a function for path resolution.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable card support


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable chart support


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable ECharts support


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable flowchart support


  • Type: MermaidConfig | boolean
  • Default: false
  • Enabled in GFM: Yes

Whether to enable Mermaidopen in new window support, you can pass in a config object to customize the behavior of Mermaid.


  • Type: StylizeOptions | false

    interface StylizeResult {
       * Tag name
      tag: string;
       * Attributes settings
      attrs: Record<string, string>;
       * Tag content
      content: string;
    interface StylizeItem {
       * Inline token matcher
      matcher: string | RegExp;
       * Content Replacer
      replacer: (options: {
        tag: string;
        content: string;
        attrs: Record<string, string>;
        env?: MarkdownEnv;
      }) => StylizeResult | void;
    type StylizeOptions = StylizeItem[];
  • Default: false

Stylize inline tokens to create snippet you want.


  • Type: PlaygroundGlobalOptions

    import type { CompilerOptions } from "typescript";
    interface PlaygroundCodeConfig {
       * Code block extension
       * @description It's based on filename, not code fence language
      ext: string;
       * Code block content
      content: string;
    interface PlaygroundData {
       * Title of Playground
      title?: string;
       * Import map file name
       * @default 'import-map.json'
      importMap?: string;
       * Playground files info
      files: Record<
        /** File name */
        /** File detail */
       * Playground settings
       * @description It's parsed result of json content after setting directive
      settings: Record<string, unknown>;
       * hash key based on playground content
      key: string;
    interface PlaygroundOptions {
       * Playground container name
      name: string;
       * Playground component name
       * @default 'Playground'
      component?: string;
       * Props getter
      propsGetter: (data: PlaygroundData) => Record<string, string>;
    interface TSPresetPlaygroundOptions extends CompilerOptions {
       * external playground service url
       * @default ""
      service?: string;
    interface UnoPresetPlaygroundOptions {
       * external playground service url
       * 交互演示外部地址
       * @default ""
      service?: string;
    interface VuePresetPlaygroundOptions {
       * external playground service url
       * @default ""
      service?: string;
       * Whether to use dev version
       * @default false
      dev?: boolean;
       * Whether to enable SSR
       * @default false
      ssr?: boolean;
    interface PlaygroundGlobalOptions {
      /** Playground presets */
      presets: ("ts" | "vue" | PlaygroundOptions)[];
      /** Playground config */
      config?: {
        ts?: TSPresetPlaygroundOptions;
        vue?: VuePresetPlaygroundOptions;
  • Required: No

Playground options.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable vue playground support.


  • Type: CodeDemoGlobalOptions | boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable code demo support.


  • Type: string[]
  • Required: No

CodePen, JsFiddle requires an external JS library for dating.


  • Type: string[]
  • Required: No

CodePen, JsFiddle need an external CSS library for dating.


The above two options are only used by third-party code demo service, you need to import these libraries in head.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

Whether to display the JSFiddle button


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

Whether to display the CodePen button


  • Type: "top" | "left" | "correct"
  • Default value: "left"

CodePen editor layout


  • Type: string
  • Default value: "101"

CodePen editor status


The following are the library links used by the third-party code demo service. Unless your environment cannot visit unpkg or the speed is slow, you probably don't need to override the default values.


Default value: ""


Default value: ""


Default value: ""


Default value: ""


  • Type: RevealJsOptions | boolean

    type RevealJsPlugin = "highlight" | "math" | "search" | "notes" | "zoom";
    type RevealJsTheme =
      | "auto"
      | "beige"
      | "black"
      | "blood"
      | "league"
      | "moon"
      | "night"
      | "serif"
      | "simple"
      | "sky"
      | "solarized"
      | "white";
     * reveal.js options
    export interface RevealJsOptions {
       * reveal.js plugins
       * @default []
      plugins?: RevealJsPlugin[];
       * reveal.js themes
       * @default ["auto"]
      themes?: RevealJsTheme[];
  • Default: false

Whether to enable slides support. You can pass an option to control plugins and themes to import.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 800

The delay of operating dom, in ms.


If the theme you are using has a switching animation, it is recommended to configure this option to Switch animation duration + 200.


  • Type: MarkdownEnhanceLocaleConfig

    interface MarkdownEnhanceLocaleData {
       * Default Title text for info block
      info: string;
       * Default Title text for note block
      note: string;
       * Default Title text for tip block
      tip: string;
       * Default Title text for warning block
      warning: string;
       * Default Title text for danger block
      danger: string;
       * Default Title text for details block
      details: string;
    interface MarkdownEnhanceLocaleConfig {
      [localePath: string]: MarkdownEnhanceLocaleData;
  • Required: No

Locales config for Markdown Enhance Plugin.

Built-in Supported Languages
  • Simplified Chinese (zh-CN)
  • Traditional Chinese (zh-TW)
  • English (United States) (en-US)
  • German (de-DE)
  • German (Australia) (de-AT)
  • Russian (ru-RU)
  • Ukrainian (uk-UA)
  • Vietnamese (vi-VN)
  • Portuguese (Brazil) (pt-BR)
  • Polish (pl-PL)
  • French (fr-FR)
  • Spanish (es-ES)
  • Slovak (sk-SK)
  • Japanese (ja-JP)
  • Turkish (tr-TR)
  • Korean (ko-KR)
  • Finnish (fi-FI)
  • Indonesian (id-ID)
  • Dutch (nl-NL)

Client Config


export interface EchartsConfig {
   * Echarts global options
  option?: EChartsOption;

   * Echarts setup function
  setup?: () => Promise<void>;

export const defineEchartsConfig: (config: EchartsConfig) => void;

Define global options and setup for Echarts.


export const defineMermaidConfig: (options: MermaidConfig) => void;

Define config which you want to pass to mermaid.


export const defineRevealJsConfig: (options: RevealOptions) => void;

Define config which you want to pass to reveal.js.


interface VuePlaygroundOptions {
   * specify the version of vue
  vueVersion?: string;

   * specify default URL to import Vue runtime from in the sandbox
   * @default "${version}/dist/runtime-dom.esm-browser.js"
  defaultVueRuntimeURL?: string;

   * Specify default URL to import Vue Server Renderer from in the sandbox
   * @default "${version}/dist/server-renderer.esm-browser.js"
  defaultVueServerRendererURL?: string;

   * Whether to enable repl's editor resizable
   * @default true
  autoResize?: boolean;

   * Whether to show JS, CSS, SSR panel
   * @default false
  showCompileOutput?: boolean;

   * Whether to show import map
   * @default true
  showImportMap?: boolean;

   * Whether to clear console
   * @default false
  clearConsole?: boolean;

   * Layout
   * @default 'horizontal'
  layout?: "horizontal" | "vertical";

   * Options to configure the `vue/compiler-sfc`
  sfcOptions?: SFCOptions;

   * Whether to enable SSR
   * @default true
  ssr?: boolean;

export const defineVuePlaygroundConfig: (options: VuePlaygroundOptions) => void;

Define config which you want to pass to @vue/repl.